Environmental and industrial laboratory
Ecosistemas Proyectos Ambientales, S. A. is the environmental and industrial laboratory for chemical, physicochemical, and microbiological testing that offers its services for the surveillance of drinking water quality, the characterization of residues in the environment and the quality control in food, raw materials, and products. Our commitment is with our customers in the efficient and sustainable management of natural resources and a safer and more cost-efficient industrial production.

Control laboratory

Since 2005, Ecosistemas is an accredited testing laboratory with certificate OGA-LE-006-04 due to its capability to perform complex and advanced testing in different types of matrices, as well as for making a difference because of its:
- Modern analytical technology and instrumentation
- International accreditation
- Quality of results
- Promptness and compliance
- Answers and solutions to queries
- Control in data handling
Technology and analytical data
Ecosistemas was founded in 1999. Since then, we have maintained a commitment to technological innovation combined with the specialized interpretation of analytical data. This way, the results we provide allow our customers the accurate diagnosis of problems, the proper design of solutions and the confidence that environmental regulations are complied with.
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